Coupon Code: RAYZZ10
10% Discount
Minimum spend: $1000
Important Note: Beware of counterfeit products from unauthorised dealers, especially if price is too good to be true

This catalogue lists only officially imported products designed solely for use in automotive engines and should not be used in aircraft engines. Whilst every care is taken in compiling the information, compatibility and durability of our products with your vehicle, they are given for general guidance only and do not constitute any contractual term or representation. Various factors may affect product performance and durability, as such, RayzzTrading Pte Ltd does not accept any responsibility in respect of any claim whatsoever and howsoever caused arising from the use of our products
*Product warranty of 2 months is available and only applicable if registered along with proof of purchase via our Warranty Registration page.
** Products listed do not apply to racing or modified engines unless explicitly stated.
*** Any purchases made from RayzzTrading Pte Ltd automatically constitutes that you have read, understood and agreed to the above disclaimer